Category Archives: Videos
2012 New HQ Military Plane Footage
9/11 Pentagon Episode: Jesse Ventura – Conspiracy Theory
Only 1 photo shows ‘plane debris’ coming out of Shanksville hole
Geraldo discusses building 7 unanswered questions
Jessie Ventura and Alex Jones on the newly released videos
(Thanks to 911Blogger)
Jesse Ventura: 9/11 Footage Shows FBI Director Asking FDNY Film Crew About “Secondary Hit” 1/4
Part 2 of 4:
Part 3 of 4:
Part 4 of 4:
Zeitgeist: The Movie (updated version)
Not for the faint of heart… What does Christianity, 9/11, and the Federal Reserve all have in common? A very controversial film!
Rare Never Seen Before footage of the Flight 93 crash site
Only Aired Once About PENTAGON !!!
Footage of the Pentagon that CNN never showed again
9/11 No windows on Plane
witnesses say they saw no windows on the planes that crashed into the WTC